Future of Software Seminar
A look into the research that may change the field
Future of Software Seminar: A key mission of computer science is to help people turn creative ideas into working systems. Software Engineering and programming language research are central to this mission. To ensure that systems are indeed working, strong software foundations are needed. Such foundations include the OS, compilers, databases, theorem provers, programming languages, cryptographic libraries and more. Many are critical as bugs in them can invalidate software that we build on top of them. Hence making software more robust, stable and secure is ever the more important. We invite leading scientists and rising stars to discuss the latest advances on solidifying software foundations, with a focus on the most advanced methods for accomplishing this key mission of computer science. Invited speakers are asked to give a talk in front of the group and engage in follow-up discussions.
Contact: external page Dominik Winterer, external page Chengyu Zhang, Tracy Ewen
Talk Materials: For talk abstract, slides and video (if available), please click on the dedicated entry in the Talk title/Abstract column of the schedule.
Additional resources:
Workshop on Dependable and Secure Software Systems, Oct 7-8 2022. All talks and slides are online: https://www.sri.inf.ethz.ch/workshop2022