AST Lab News

eBPF Grant Award for Zhendong Su and Hao Sun

August 2024: We're excited to receive an award for our proposed work "Lazy Abstraction Refinement with Proof for an Enhanced Verifier" from the eBPF Foundation! Congratulations to Hao Sun & Zhendong Su, and thanks to the eBPF Foundation! Read more on the awards external page here.  

June 2024: Congratulations to Shaohua Li, Theodoros Theodoridis and Zhendong Su on their Distinguished Artifact Award at PLDI'24 for their artifact, external page Creal and related paper "external page Boosting Compiler Testing by Injecting Real-world Code". Well done!

May 2024: Congratulations to Shaohua Li on his successful PhD defense 🥳. Thesis: Advancing Software Reliability from Code to Compilation. Photo: Zhendong Su, Andreas Zeller, Shaohua Li and Mathias Payer.

Advancing Software Reliability from Code to Compilation, PhD Thesis, Shaohua Li, 2024.  

April 2024:  We won a Distinguished Artifact Award at ASPLOS’24 for our artifact, external page UBGen, and related paper "external page UBfuzz: Finding Bugs in Sanitizer Implementations". Congratulations to Shaohua Li and Zhendong Su on this award!

March 2024: We were at CGO 2024 in Ediburgh and won a couple awards at the Student Research Competition (SRC). Congratulations to our students Michel Weber and Dalia Shaaban on their awards! external page Read more on the SRC awards at CGO

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