UC Davis Alumni
Zhendong Su was a full professor in Computer Science and a Chancellor's Fellow at the University of California, Davis campus (UC Davis) from 2003 - 2019, and currently an adjunct professor at UC Davis. Below are the Alumni from his group at UC Davis.
- external page Nima Johari (M.S. 2020, co-advised with John Owens)
Thesis: Graphsheet and The Minicell System
Current employment: Software Engineer, external page Google
- external page Michael Yen (B.S./M.S., 2018)
Current employment: Software Engineer, external page Proofpoint
- external page Dr. Tianxiao Gu (Postdoctoral Scholar, 2017 -- 2019)
Current employment: Senior Engineer, Alibaba Group, CA, USA
- external page Suhua Lei (M.S., 2019)
Project: How Training Data Affect the Accuracy and Robustness of Neural Networks
Current employment: TBD; seeking full-time software engineering positions
- external page Yuanbo Li (B.S., 2019)
Current: Computer Science PhD student at Georgia Tech (starting Fall 2019)
- external page Dr. Qirun Zhang (Postdoctoral Scholar, 2014 -- 2018)
Current employment: Assistant Professor, external page Georgia Tech
- external page Martin Velez (Ph.D., 2018)
Thesis: Minimizing Technical Barriers to Learning Programming
Current employment: Advanced Technologies Group, Uber
- external page Ke Wang (Ph.D., 2018)
Thesis: Capturing Solution Tactics for Effective, Scalable Personalized Learning
Current employment: Researcher, Visa Research
- external page Kenan Nalbant (M.S., 2018)
Project: Oppel: An Adversarial Machine Learning Toolbox
Current employment: Citadel
- external page Donald Pinckney (B.S., 2018)
Current: Computer Science PhD student at UMass Amherst
Awards: UCD CS Outstanding Senior (2018)
- external page Matt Le (B.S., 2017)
Current: Server Engineer, Skillz
- external page Dr. Zhoulai Fu (Postdoctoral Scholar, 2014 -- 2017)
Current employment: Assistant Professor, external page ITU
- external page Dr. Chengnian Sun (Postdoctoral Scholar, 2013 -- 2017)
Current employment: Assistant Professor, University of Waterloo)
- external page Alexander Couvrette (M.S., 2017)
Project: C++ Made Simple --- An Online Learning System
Current employment: Developer, Wynn Casino, Las Vegas
- external page Mehrdad Afshari (Ph.D., 2016)
Thesis: Reimagining the Programming Experience
Awards: ACM SIGPLAN PLDI Distinguished Paper Award (2014)
- external page Calvin Li (M.S., 2016)
Project: Generating Raven's Progressive Matrices on iOS
Current employment: external page Microsoft
- external page Vu Minh Le (Ph.D., 2015)
Thesis: Program Synthesis for Empowering End Users and Stress-Testing Compilers
Current employment: Senior Research Software Engineer, external page Microsoft
Awards: ACM SIGPLAN PLDI Distinguished Paper Award (2014)
- external page Andreas Saebjoernsen (Ph.D., 2014)
Thesis: Detecting Fine-Grained Similarity in Binaries
Current employment: Uber (previously at LLNL)
- external page You Zhou (B.S., 2014)
Current: Computer Science Master's Program at Stanford
Awards: UCD CS "Citation of Excellence" (2014)
Current employment: Facebook
- external page Dr. Zhaopeng Tu (Postdoctoral Scholar, 07/2013 -- 07/2014; co-advisor)
Current employment: Senior Researcher, external page Tencent AI Lab
Zhongxian Gu (Ph.D., 2013)
Thesis: Toward Effective Debugging by Capturing and Reusing Knowledge
Current employment: Facebook
- external page Fangqi (Sophia) Sun (Ph.D., 2013)
Thesis: Program Analyses of Web Applications for Detecting Application-Specific Vulnerabilities
Current employment: external page Google
- external page Liang (Dennis) Xu (Ph.D., 2013)
Thesis: Techniques and Tools for Analyzing and Understanding Android Applications
Current employment: Facebook (previously at Pandora & Instagram)
- external page April Schleck (B.S., 2013)
Current employment: Google
Awards: UCD CS "Citation of Excellence" (2013)
- external page Earl Barr (Postdoctoral Scholar, 2009-2012)
Current employment: Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), external page University College London
Awards: external page I3P Fellow (2009-2010), UCD Outstanding Postdoc Finalist (2011-2012)
- external page Taeho Kwon (Ph.D., 2011)
Thesis: Detecting and Analyzing Insecure Component Integration
Current employment: Researcher, Ministry of National Defense, Korea
Awards: ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award (2010)
- external page Thanh Vo (M.S., 2011)
Thesis: Automatic Detection of Floating-Point Exceptions
Current employment: external page Netcompany (previously at Sybase)
- external page Mark Gabel (Ph.D., 2011)
Thesis: Inferring Programmer Intent and Related Errors from Software
Current employment: Viv Labs, Chief Scientist (previously Assistant Professor, UT Dallas)
Awards: ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Dissertation Award (2012)
Zuhair A. Munir Best Dissertation Award (2013)
- external page Steven Hillman (B.S., 2010)
Current employment: external page Hyperloop One (previously at Cisco Talnts)
Awards: UCD CS "Citation of Excellence" (2010)
- Yuting Tim Xiao (B.S., 2010)
Current employment: external page YouTube
Awards: UCD CS "Citation of Excellence" (2010)
- external page Lingxiao Jiang (Ph.D., 2009)
Thesis: Scalable Detection of Similar Code: Techniques and Applications
Current employment: Associate Professor, external page Singapore Management University
- external page Jeffrey Yuen (M.S., 2009)
Current employment: external page Tata Consultancy Services
- external page Gary Wassermann (Ph.D., 2008)
Thesis: Techniques and Tools for Engineering Secure Web Applications
Current employment: external page Riverbed Technology, Member of Technical Staff (previously at HP)
- external page Jed Crandall (Ph.D., 2007, co-advisor)
Thesis: Capturing and Analyzing Internet Worms
Current employment: Full Professor and Associate Chair, external page University of New Mexico
Awards: NSF CAREER Award (2009)
- external page Ghassan Misherghi (M.S., 2007)
Thesis: Hierarchical Delta Debugging
Current employment: external page Google
- external page Derrick Pallas (M.S., 2005, co-advisor)
Current employment: external page Argosy Labs, Co-founder & CTO
- external page Carl Gould (B.S., 2003; M.S. candidate, 2004)
Current employment: external page Inductive Automation
Awards: ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award (2004)
- Fengjuan Gao (PhD student, NJU, 2017 -- 2018)
- Tao Ji (PhD student, NUDT, 2017 -- 2018)
- Yu Wang (PhD student, NJU, 2017 -- 2018)
- Dr. Amin Alipour (Assistant Professor, Univ. of Houston, 12/2017 -- 04/2018)
- Ming Wen (PhD student, HKUST, 07/2017 -- 01/2018)
- Dr. Hongli Yang (Professor, BJUT, 2016 -- 2017)
- Hengbiao Yu (PhD student, NUDT, 2015 -- 2016)
- Dingbao Xie (PhD student, Nanjing University, 09/2014 -- 09/2015)
- Han Liu (PhD student, Tsinghua University, 04/2015 -- 09/2015)
- Dr. Yuting Chen (Associate Professor, SJTU, 09/2014 -- 08/2015)
- Ting Su (Ph.D. student from ECNU, 02/2014 -- 02/2015)
- Hanfei Wang (Ph.D. student from Nanjing University, 12/2013 -- 12/2014)
- Tianxiao Gu (PhD student, Nanjing University, 09/2013 -- 09/2014)
- Yan Lei (PhD student, NUDT, 09/2013 -- 09/2014)
- Dr. Guisheng Fan (Associate Professor, ECUST, Shanghai, 06/2013 -- 06/2014)
- Dr. Liqiong Chen (Associate Professor, SIT, Shanghai, 06/2013 -- 06/2014)
- Dr. Hao Zhong (Associate Professor, ISCAS => SJTU, 09/2012 -- 05/2014)
- Linfeng Liu (Ph.D. student from XJTU, China, 09/2011 -- 03/2013)
- Qirun Zhang (Ph.D. student from CUHK, 10/2012 -- 12/2012)
- You Li (Ph.D. student from NJU, China, 09/2011 -- 09/2012)
Awards: OOPSLA Best Paper Award (2013) - Dong Qiu (Ph.D. student from SEU, China, 09/2011 -- 09/2012)
- Enyi Tang (Ph.D. student, Nanjing University, China, 09/2008 -- 09/2009)
- Kyung-Goo Doh (Professor, Hanyang University, Korea, 02/2005-08/2006)
- Stephane Glondu (ENS Cachan, France, 06/2005-08/2005)